Ribbon cutting 2ARP’s Covington Office Painted Pink to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

Advanced Retirement Planning is going all out to bring attention to National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. On Sept. 30, the ARP office at 6140 Hannah St. in Covington unveiled its bright pink building, to draw attention to and raise money for breast cancer research.

The rosy hue will remain on the nearly 2,000-square-foot building throughout October.

“We wanted to do something different to help people remember that October is decided toward breast cancer awareness,” said founder Brian Byars. “We thought it was a great way to drive some of the attention to the cause.”

About 95 percent of ARP’s business is referral-based, and during October, for every new client, Byars will donate $25 to breast cancer research. ARP will also make an additional donation for every “like” on its Facebook page this month (www.facebook.com/AdvancedRetirementPlanning).

The focus on breast cancer has a personal side, as several ARP clients and family members have battled the disease, including Byars’ mother. Nearly 9,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer annually in Georgia.

Lelia Raines, 56, a grandmother and ARP client, was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago and underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and reconstructive surgery.

“Anything that makes the public more aware and to remind them to do self-exams and mammograms, I’m all for it,” she said. “The pink office is going to be in your face, and you cannot ignore it. It just really touches me that people are working so hard to make the public more aware about breast cancer.”

The donations will benefit groups such as the Georgia Breast Cancer Coalition, which provides education and advocacy for […]